Profile, STL AND G-code File Location
Profile File Location and Reference Codes

- Should find the Profile files under "OWLPlane PROFILE"/"OWLPlane PROFILE for PLA" directory for regular PLA/PLA+ series Models and/or "OWLPlane PROFILE for LW-PLA" directory for LW-PLA series Models and "OWLplane PROFILE for LW-PLA 3% Gyroid Infill Slicer" for Digital Balsa and Foam series Models.
- The "OWLPlane PROFILE", "OWLPlane PROFILE for PLA", "OWLPlane PROFILE for LW-PLA" directory consist of Cura, ideaMaker and S3D Profile files where "OWLPlane PROFILE for LW-PLA 3% Gyroid Infill Slicer" consist of Cura, ideaMaker and PrisaSlicer only.
- "OWLPlane PROFILE for LW-PLA 3% Gyroid Infill Slicer" does not have S3D slicer profile files due to no Gyroid pattern option available in the slicer.
- Please check the Ref. Code in the STL file name should match the Ref. Code of Profile name that you select.
- Feel free if you would like to change/update setting values according to your need.
- You may not need some of the Profile files since the provided Profile files are given to you for all OWLplane STL files (not specific to your purchased model).
Understanding the Ref. Code
The Ref. Code represents the Profile settings. If you would like to know the meaning, please click the button below. Once well understood, feel free to change the settings to get the best printing result.
STL File Location and Code
Sample Case from Delta Hornet OWL Plane
The above picture shows that STL files are grouped following the Animation and Assembly Videos grouping where STL file directory names represent the part group names.
It is not only for Delta Hornet OWL Model, the same way parts are grouped into STL directory name for other OWLplane Models including LW-PLA series.
The left side figure shows that where we will find STL files including G-code file directories (the directory name to store G-code for LW-PLA is simplified, the name is “LW-PLA DD and BOWDEN” since no difference between Direct Drive vs Bowden setup). It is for your convenience when generating G-code, you may want to put it in the corresponding G-code folders as shown in the figure below.
- By grouping how parts explained in the Animation and Assembly Videos the same as STL files organized, it makes the printing process workflow handy.
- Make sure that the Profile file name Ref. Code uploaded into Cura, ideaMaker and S3D should be the same as STL file name Ref. Code.
- It is possible to slice a group of STL files as long as having the same Ref. Code.
- ideaMaker has feature to print different group of STL files at the same time (but it is explained here, please consult to ideaMaker manual).
- Since for LW-PLA retraction parameter setting values are the same, no need to separate them into different type of printers. In this case, the target G-code folder name is only one directory, named “LW-PLA DD and BOWDEN”.
G-code File Location and Its Binary File
- For your convenience, OWLplane suggests to keep the generated G-code files having the same name as their STL file names.
- OWLplane provides four directories and the names represents slicer software used following by type of selected filament and strength level used for PLA series Models.
- Feel free to change the directory name as you like (it is just naming convension). OWLplane defines names so that it is useful for tracking the history of generated G-code files.
- OWLplane provides four directories and the names represents slicer software used following by type of selected filament and strength level used. Exceptional is for LW-PLA series Model where the directory name is “LW-PLA DD and BOWDEN” since no difference for any type of printers.