Delta Hornet OWL v2
3 New Features & More Than 10 Improvements
~Ready To Print w/ PLA and/or LW-PLA ~
"Digital Balsa and Foam" Series
Delta Hornet v2 - Features and Improvements
- Designed For Both PLA And LW-PLA (Digital Balsa and Foam) – New Feature
- Catapult Launcher Enabled – New Feature
- Short or Long Wing Options – New Feature
- Additional 6mm Spars – Improvement
- Adding Canopy Tabs – Improvement
- Stronger and Simple Wing Attachment – Improvement
- Redesign EDF Lid for Easy Attachment – Improvement
- More Finger Holder Space for Hand Launch – Improvement
- Additional Rod Supports for Control Surfaces – Improvement
- No More Needed Printing Support for FL-5 – Improvement
- Marking Wings with CoG Label – Improvement
- Optional to Print Full Single Left or Right Rudder – Improvement
- Simplifying Ribs – Improvement
Please Use Ver. 2.0 Instead of Ver. 1.0 When Printing For Both Filaments ~ PLA or LW-PLA ~.
In Ver. 2.0, Spars Are Required When Assembling The Model.
With Much Better Experience, “Digital Balsa and Foam” Is Ready For Version 2.0.
You will never miss your EDF delta plane model again. Print it any time you want. This elevon type of control surfaces just need two servos. The servos used for the model are not a 12gr type of servo instead 17gr (mini servo). With mini servos, the model is not only capable of flying with 4s powered battery but also with 6s battery.
In version 2.0, OWLplane added 3 new features and more than 10 improvements to the model. You do not need to worry anymore when launching since you can use an OWLplane catapult launcher or using your own. Two types of wings are provided so that if you would like more speed during flying, you may want to select the short ones. The long ones are from version 1.0. The last one is upgrading the model to be able to print with LW-PLA filament utilizing the “Digital Balsa and Foam” approach. Not only stronger but also much less weight.
When printing with LW-PLA utilizing “Digital Balsa and Foam”, you will definitely experience the next level of printing and flying 3D printed rc model. Enjoy flying with our “Digital Balsa and Foam” series model !
To learn how to slice the model with PrusaSlicer for “Digital Balsa and Foam” series models, Please click the right picture or visit:
Special note for Delta Hornet OWL v.1 owner
If you have purchased Delta Hornet OWL v1.0, it is free for you to download the v2.0. You just need to use the same link that we emailed to you when you purchased the Delta Hornet OWL v1.0. If you have deleted that email, let us know by emailing us to resend it. Please note that you need to provide valid or same email address when purchasing.
We love to see you flying with LW-PLA and/or using catapult launcher !
Happy printing and flying …
Please note that G-code files generated from ideaMaker does not compatible to use with Prusa original 3D printers. Please use PrusaSlicer instead if you would like to regenerate the G-code files for your Prusa printers.
Delta Hornet v2 - Videos and Photos
Delta Hornet OWL PlayList v2
Delta Hornet v1 - Videos and Photos
Delta Hornet OWL PlayList v1
Specification v2
- Wing Loading : 50 - 78.6 gr/dm^2.
- AUW/Flying Weight : 1.400 - 2.200 gr (with battery 2200mAh 4s - 2200mAh 6s).
- Wing Area : 28 dm^2.
- Wing Cube Loading (WCL) : 9.4 - 14.8
- Flight Performance Category : Sport Aerobatic.
- Radio Channels : Throttle, Aileron and Elevator (Elevon).
- Length : 894mm.
- Wing Span Long Wing : 1.172mm
- Wing Span Short Wing : 986mm
Wing Spars Requirements :
Center of Gravity (CoG) – Both The Same v1 or v2 :
Fiber Carbon Spar Is Required in v2. Fiber Carbon Spar Is Optional in v1 *** Deprecated ***
Left wing is for printing with LW-PLA filament and right wing is for printing with PLA filament.
EDF Installation :
Weight and Time Estimation v1 – printed with PLA :
Following tables show the weight of printed parts, number of required filament rolls and time required to print. The numbers are taken from ideaMaker slicer calculation. From experience, actual numbers show about -5% less than depicted in the table. But the number may vary from printer to printer due to:
– Stepper Jerk value.
– Stepper Acceleration value.
– Steps per unit (either calibrated or uncalibrated)
– Extruder quality/condition.
– Nozzle quality/condition.
– Filament quality/condition.
– Etc.
For sure the relative number are useful when deciding to accept the total strengths or weights when printing. Picking higher strength to some parts are necessary to avoid breaking during high impact landing or sharp maneuver for example.
Here are the summary tables:
Klipper Firmware Does Not Accept “#” / Hash Character

Unfortunately the Klipper firmware does not accept the “#” / hash character when naming the file. More and more 3D printers nowadays and upcoming most likely will use the Klipper firmware where when using previous firmware such as Marlin, Prusa, etc. do not prevent it from processing.
Since our naming convention for our g-code files utilize the “#” character and already since we started the OWLplane, we still keep them until our new release models dated after July 2024 (after BD OWLjet 70mm 6s EDF).
No worry, to use our g-code files, just need to remove the “#” character, that is it !
Fore example :
“FUSELAGE-1 # P3_H15″ replace the file name with “FUSELAGE-1 P3_H15”
Note : no “#” character is used in the new file name.
How To Extract Our Zip Files
Somehow when the folder path is too long, files and directories can not be extracted directly to a destination directory. There is a workaround for this, just follow the guide below. What you need to follow is to double click zip file until you find the directory. From there, double right click to invoke a “copy” command. After that, just paste the directory into your destination directory. That is it !
Free to download following Documents – v1.0 :
All Updates Are Posted In This Web Product Page Only.
Do Not Refer To The Documents.
(The Documents Are For Historical Only)
Table of Contents
Update History v2
NEW FEATURE : Designed For Both PLA / LW-PLA (Digital Balsa and Foam)
NEW FEATURE : Catapult Launcher Enabled
Delta Hornet OWL v2 is designed to use OWLplane Catapult Launcher. If you do not have your own catapult launcher, you may want to grab our catapult launcher and it is free. Justo go to “” and select as shown on the left side picture below. Do not forget to fill in the disc. code “OWLplaneCL” to get it for free.

To print, the STL file names are as follow from left to right pictures below.
Located under “Delta Hornet OWL – SUPPORT v2.0\CATAPULT ADAPTER” :
- “OWL BAE Hawk T1 – 50mm and 70mm MID PULLER ARM # GR4”.
For fuselage hook, you should find it under “Delta Hornet OWL – STL and G-code v2.0\1. FUSAELAGE\STLs” :
8mm and 5mm OD fiber carbon rods are used for the catapult puller.
If you do not want to use the hook, you can use the following STL instead “DELTA HORNET – NO-HOOK # GR4”.
NEW FEATURE : Short or Long Wing Options

The left side pictures are the long wings and the right side pictures are the short ones. If you would like to have more speeds you may need to print the short ones instead.
NEW IMPROVEMENT : Additional 6mm Spars For Stronger Wings
Required Spars are as follow :
– 1 x 10mm OD – 500mm long fiber carbon tube as main spars.
– 2 x 6mm OD – 500mm long fiber carbon tube as secondary spars for long wings or 2 x 6mm OD – 475mm long for short ones.
NEW IMPROVEMENT : Adding Canopy Tabs
NEW IMPROVEMENT : Stronger and Simple Wing Attachment
The solid “GR3” printed plates are used for attaching the wings. The STL files are located under “Delta Hornet OWL – STL and G-code v2.0\2. WINGS\STLs\Printed with PLA\WING PLATES” for the wings:
Easy and Simple Wing Attachment.
The following pictures shows how the wings are attached or inserted into the fuselage. Once already in place, you may need double side velcro tape to manage the cables as shown in the picture.
Use you fingers to guide the servo cables inserted into the fuselage.
NEW IMPROVEMENT : Redesign EDF Lid for Easy Attachment
NEW IMPROVEMENT : More Finger Holder Space
NEW IMPROVEMENT: Additional Rod Supports for Control Surfaces
NEW IMPROVEMENT : No More Needed Printing Support for FL-5
NEW IMPROVEMENT : Marking Wings with CoG Label
NEW IMPROVEMENT : VStab Options, 4 or 2 Parts
Update History v1 (Deprecated - For Archive Purpose Only)
FUSELAGE-6 Update for Having Stronger 70mm EDF Mount
Updated on October 21th, 2021
This STL file update is :
– to support LW-PLA/ePLA-LW filaments when printing the model with (recommended).
– to have stronger EDF mount for 70mm EDF, suggested when using 6s EDF 70mm (optional).
Updated fuselage part file:
– “FUSELAGE-6 # P3_H15.stl”.
Two additional STL files (mounting plates) are added:
– “70mm EDF Mounting Plate – L # GR3.stl”
– “70mm EDF Mounting Plate – R # GR3.stl”
The plates should be printed with PLA or PLA+.
FUSELAGE-6, FUSELAGE-2 and FUSELAGE-3 Update for Fix Intake Ring EDF Mount + Larger Battery Compartment
Updated on Dec. 3rd, 2021
This STL files update are for :
– Accepting 70mm EDF for 4s or 6s with fix intake ring (no need to remove the intake lip).
– Accepting larger battery especially 6s battery.
Updated fuselage part files:
– “FUSELAGE-2 # P3_H15”, “FUSELAGE-3 # PS_H50”, “FUSELAGE-6-Fix Intake Ring Version # PS_H15” and “EDF-HATCH-Fix Intake Ring Version # PS_H15″.
Two additional STL files (mounting plates) are added:
– “70mm EDF Mounting Plate – L # GR3.stl”
– “70mm EDF Mounting Plate – R # GR3.stl”
Recommended Setup v2
- Motor Options : EDF 70mm, 4s (possible with 6s but not yet tested), see above for some options but not limited to.
- Servo Options : 2 x 17gr Servos, on the left and right wings (see some options above but not limited to).
- ESC Options : ESC with 80A, just pick your favorite ESC but make sure that rated at least 80A.
- Battery Size : LiPo 4s 2200ma - 2700mah.
Tools and Materials
- Printer, in general 200mm x 200mm x 200mm (W x L x H) for all OWLplane Models.
- Filament such as PLA, ABS, HIPS and ASA (do not use silk PLA, it tends to be very weak in layer to layer adhesion).
- CA glue with accelerator. Use thick glue to join surface to surface. Use thin CA glue for coating the joint surface areas.
- Velcro sticker/polyester hook and loop peel-n-stick self-adhesive for positioning and locking the battery.
- Fine sandpaper.
- Sharp knife.
- Screwdriver and/or allen wrench for chosen screws/bolts.
- Pliers, needle-nose pliers, nippers.
- Steel bolt cutter.
- Dremel/rotary tool for cutting carbon fiber tubes and rod with more than 2.5mm.
- Electric drill, its drill-bit size from 1.5mm - 5mm and step cone drill.
OWLplane Printers (for your ref.)
See figures below some printers used, created, developed and modified by OWLplane. Two group printers are set, the first one is utilized only for printing PLA/PLA+ and the other one is utilized to print with ABS, ASA and HIPS filaments (the one with enclosures). Just hover onto the figures to find more information about them.
Modified all Bowden setup printers into Direct Drive but leave Tevo Tornado and Anycubic Mega as is (still in bowden setup).
Hardware Needed
For Fuselage, Canopy :
- M3 x 25mm screws with their nuts and washers for attaching wings - 2x (deprecated in v2).
- Self tapping screw M2.5 or M3 x 20mm screws for attaching wings to the fuselage (used in v2).
- Self tapping screw M3x15mm or M2.5x15mm with their washers for mounting EDF into the fuselage - 2x/4x (depending on EDF brand).
- Self tapping screw M2x15mm or M2.5x15mm with their washers for locking EDF canopy 3x ( 4x for v2 but deprecated).
- Ballpoint pen springs for Canopy - 1x.
- Fiber carbon tube pins (30mm length), can be replaced with printed pins (optional).
For Wings: (excluded control surface)
- Fiber carbon tube pins (30mm length), can be replaced with printed pins (optional).
For Elevon, Stabilizer and Elevon Servos:
- 1.5mm - 2mm OD rod for creating elevon hinge (ER308L - TIG Stainless Steel Rod).
- 1.5mm - 2mm OD rod for creating elevon pushrod (ER308L - TIG Stainless Steel Rod).
- Linkage stopper D2.1mm for elevon - 2x.
- Landing gear wheel stop set collar 9x2.1mm for elevon pushrod - 2x.
- 2.0mm - 2.5mm OD shaft for creating pins connecting two parts for elevon and stabilizer.
Assembly Figures
Slight changes in version 2. Please refer to improvements explained / described in this web product page.
Slight Changes In Version 2.0.
Please Refer to Improvements Explained / Described In This Web Product Page for Some Changes.