OWLplane Library
(w/ Some Samples)

Free to Download Test Files, Printing and Assembly Manual

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For Both PLA and LW-PLA

Slice the provided STL files with your favorite Slicer Software either ideaMaker, Cura or S3D. OWLplane Profile files are provided for all of them. For Cura and S3D, the STL files are already included in the Profile or Project Files. For ideaMaker, STL files are located under STL folder. Cura, ideaMaker and S3D Profile files are to slice STL files for PLA with both 0.30mm and 0.40mm nozzle size. G-code files are generated for you to directly start printing. It includes sample Profile files to create 3 bottom and top perimeters. Cura version 4.8.0, ideaMaker version 4.0.1 and S3D version 4.1.2.
For Digital Balsa and Foam Series, use "DIGITAL BALSA AND FOAM PROFILE FILES v2.5".
For PLA and Digital Balsa Only Series , use "DIGITAL BALSA AND PLA OR PLA+ PROFILE FILES v2.5".

Klipper Firmware Does Not Accept “#” / Hash Character

Unfortunately the Klipper firmware does not accept the “#” / hash character when naming the file. More and more 3D printers nowadays and upcoming most likely will use the Klipper firmware where when using previous firmware such as Marlin, Prusa, etc. do not prevent it from processing. 

Since our naming convention for our g-code files utilize the “#” character and already since we started the OWLplane, we still keep them until our new release models dated after July 2024 (after BD OWLjet 70mm 6s EDF). 

No worry, to use our g-code files, just need to remove the “#” character, that is it !

Fore example :

FUSELAGE-1 # P3_H15″ replace the file name with “FUSELAGE-1 P3_H15”

Note : no “#” character is used in the new file name.

How To Extract Our Zip Files 

Somehow when the folder path is too long,  files and directories can not be extracted directly to a destination directory. There is a workaround for this, just follow the guide below. What you need to follow is to double click zip file until you find the directory. From there, double right click to invoke a “copy” command. After that, just paste the directory into your destination directory. That is it ! 

Battery Protector and/or Weight Balancer Holder for 2200mAh 3s/4s and 3300mAh 4s Battery.

One of challenges in 3D printed plane is where it has a wide range of possible total weight result. For example, the plane printed with 0.40mm comparing to 0.32mm extrusion width may end up the CoG moved about 2cm – 3cm backward with using the same battery. You may need to move the battery forward or add more weight at the nose to get back the CoG to its previous location. To solve this issue at the same time protecting your battery, the following STL files are created for your 2200mAh 3s/4s and 3300mAh 4s. Feel free to download and use the files (G-code files are also provided for Bowden or Direct Drive setup including STEP files).

Stands for MDM-1 Fox Model and Others

Generic Fuselage and Wings Stand
(you could use them for other models)

When printing:  you may want to turn the fan on since they are not part of the Models.

Specific Stand for OWL MDM-1 Fox

When printing:  you may want to turn the fan on since they are not part of the Models.

Please find below OWLplane library for your 3D Printed Plane models. You may not need to download from this library since you should have found the relevance STL and STEP files already included in your purchased email download link. 

Please note : below servo covers and bridges are some samples only. 

Servo Covers and Bridges (Some Samples)

Servo Covers (Sample only - Please go to your purchased model "...Support..." directory)

Servo Bridges (Sample only - Please go to your purchased model "...Support..." directory)

Motor Mount Wall STEP Files

ST-1 OWL and OWL MDM-1 Fox plane Motor Mount Wall (Sample only - Please go to your purchased model "...Support..." directory)

Others (Sample only - Please go to your purchased model "...Support..." directory)

Pin, Washers, Loops and Hooks Handle and Wheels (Sample only - Please go to your purchased model "...Support..." directory)