OWLplane 3D Printed Product Planes

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Wing Loading : 84.6-100 gr/dm^2, AUW/Flying Weight : 2200 gr (w/ 3300mAh and printed w/ 0.32mm extrusion width), Wing Area : 26 dm^2, Wing Cube Loading (WCL) : 16.6-19.6, Flight Performance Category : Sport Aerobatic, Radio Channels : Radio Channels : Throttle, Aileron, Flap, Elevator, Rudder and Main Landing Gears, Length : 1100 mm, Wing Span : 1289 mm.
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Wing Loading : 60gr/dm^2, AUW/Flying Weight : 1500gr (with battery 2200mAh 3s and printed with 0.32mm extrusion width), Wing Area : 25dm^2, Wing Cube Loading (WCL) : 12, Flight Performance Category : Sport Aerobatic, Radio Channels : Throttle, Aileron, Elevator and Rudder, Length : 1061mm, Wing Span : 1498mm.
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Wing Loading : 46.8 - 49.4 gr/dm^2, AUW/Flying Weight : 1.800 - 1.900 gr (with battery 2200mah 4s), Wing Area : 38.5 dm^2, Wing Cube Loading (WCL) : 7.5 - 7.9, Flight Performance Category : Trainer Aerobatic, Radio Channels : Throttle, Aileron, Flap, Elevator, Rudder and Motor, Length : 1.222mm, Wing Span : 2.388mm
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Wing Loading : 58.0 - 65.2 gr/dm^2, AUW/Flying Weight : 2.000 - 2.250 gr (with battery 2200/2700mah 4s), Wing Area : 34.5 dm^2, Wing Cube Loading (WCL) : 9.8 - 11.1, Flight Performance Category : Sport Aerobatic, Radio Channels : Throttle, Aileron, Flap, Elevator and Rudder, Length : 1.165mm​​, Wing Span : 1.510mm​
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Wing Loading : 72.5gr/dm^2, AUW/Flying Weight : around 2500gr (with battery 4000mAh 4s), Wing Area : 34.5dm^2, Wing Cube Loading (WCL) : 12.3, Flight Performance Category : Sport Aerobatic, Radio Channels : Throttle, Aileron, Flap, Elevator and Rudder, Length : 1165mm, Wing Span : 1510mm.

How To Purchase Our Models

Go to this page (Click – “PRODUCS/All PRODUCTS”) :

  1. From main page select “PRODUCTS”.
  2. Follow by selecting “ALL PRODUCTS”.
  3. Click “ALL PRODUCTS”.

Select the product and click “Price Tag” :

  1. Browse models that you would like to purchase on this page.
  2. Hover your mouse to “Price Tag …” button.
  3. Click the button.

Review the model and select “Add to cart” button :

  1. Review the model you would like to purchase.
  2. Read what you will get.
  3. Click the “Add to cart” button to put the model in the basket.

Repeat “Add to cart” if you would like to purchase another model  and click “Add to cart” when ready to purchase :

  1. You can repeat to pick another model as you wish.
  2. To pay, just click the “Cart” as shown in the left picture.

Fill in the form to pay :

  1. Input your email address where you will get a link to download the files.
  2. Put “Discount code” when there is available promo.
  3. You can pay by using your credit card or by PayPal.
  4. Read the total amount you would like to pay.
  5. Click the “Pay” button to continue.

After purchasing, you can download the files by one of the following :

  1. Download your file directly by clicking “View content” button after purchasing, or.
  2. Open a sent email from Gumroad to your email address on behalf of OWLplane * check your spam folder if you can not get it from your inbox folder, just in case *.


Congratulation ! 

Now, you are ready to download the files.